We have compiled the best movies in the world for you in this news. Through our news, you can reach the list of the best cinemas where millions of cinema audiences have voted on an online database of IMDB (which contains information about movies and television movies, movie stars and series of all countries and all periods of the world. Here are the top 10 movies in the world ...

1- COST OF WORK (1994) SCORE 9.2

The Shawshank Redemption (English: The Shawshank Redemption) is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont and starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. Andy is sentenced to life in prison after killing his cheating wife and his acting while at the height of his career. He begins serving his sentence in a famous prison called Shawshank.

2.The Godfather - The Father - 9.2 (1972)

The Corleone family, who immigrated from Sicily, will find themselves in a lfe that they cannot think of when they are successful in this, and when they are successful in this, they will also use force against some unknown people who use brute force and demand tribute from every job they try to settle in America. On the one hand, extremely strict customs and family life, on the other hand, the Corleone family, which began to ruthlessly destroy those who came before them, became America's most feared mafia community after a while.

3-The Godfather: Part II - Father 2 - 9.0 (1974)

As a sequel to the first film from 1972, it is also a masterful production by writer Mario Puzo and director Francis Ford Coppola. The film won six Oscars. Young Corleone has just arrived in America. In 1917, when he murdered the leader of one of New York City's local mafia, he gained respect and became a feared man. Meanwhile, 50 years later, Michael Corleone gives a testimony to the Senate committee in Washington on family affairs, which is considered by critics to be one of the few sequels to be considered more successful than the previous film. Robert De Niro won the Oscar by playing Vito Corleone for only 45 minutes in the film.

4-The Dark Knight (2008) 9.0

A place cleansed of the perpetrators may be threatened again after a while, and the struggle of those who will roll up their sleeves will come to life more sharply. Batman, Lieutenant Gordon and Prosecutor Harvey Dent teamed up to get the job done on Gotham Streets, but the sudden appearance of the Joker spoils things badly. It will not be easy to cope with his genius. Gotham is on the brink of old chaos. As Batman embarks on the rescue again, he begins to question the meaning of his own existence. He will really want to understand if he actually reduces the number of criminals or increases them.

5-Angry Men - 12 Angry Addams - 8.9 - (1957)

A young man is on trial for the murder of his father. 12 juries gather in a room to discuss. 11 of them say the boy is guilty, but the 8th jury (HENRY FONDA) says he is not guilty. Sidney Lumet's masterpiece, which takes place only in a room and is only a conversation and one of the classics, is considered among the most important films in the history of cinema.

6- Schindler's List - Schindler's List - 8.9 - (1993)

In Nazi Germany of the Second World War, an entrepreneurial German Oskar Schindler establishes a factory that produces metal containers for the military and provides the capital and labor for this work from the Jews. Unable to absorb the pressure of the Jews in the future, Schindler makes a long list to save them ... 6th in imdb top 10. It ranks 24th in the top 50 on the Cinemas website. He was nominated in 12 categories at the 1995 Oscar ceremonies. He received 7 Oscars ...

7-The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - 8.8 - (2003)

Will Aragorn, by responding to the call of his race, use the power given to him at birth, while all the fate of Middle-earth is in his hands? As all the forces of darkness come together for the final battle, Gandalf begins to rally Gondor's wounded army. The necessary support for Gandalf comes from Théoden, King of Rohan. Thoden mobilizes all of his warriors for this greatest war in history. The humans, along with Eowyn and Merry hiding within them, are powerless against the enemies besieging Gondor, despite all their courage and their eternal devotion to their race. Knowing that they will suffer enormous losses, people cling together in the most difficult battle of their lives to divert Sauron's attention and enable the Ring Bearer to complete his journey.

8-Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo - The Good, the Bad, the Ugly - 8.9 - (1966)

Tuco (ugly) is an outlaw with an award on him. They collaborate with the cowboy Sniper Blondie (good), traveling through towns. Blondie, who surrenders Tuco to law enforcement, takes the award and saves Tuco from being hanged at the last minute. Their partnership breaks down when things go wrong in a town. Sentenza, nicknamed Melekgöz (evil), traces a former soldier named Bill Carson, who seized a large amount of gold. When Tuco is about to kill Blondie in the desert, their encounter with Bill Carson changes all plans. Carson hid the gold in the cemetery on an active Civil War front. However, Tuco was able to learn the location of the cemetery and Blondie the name of the tomb. The two, who have to return to cooperation again, start looking for gold. Eventually the paths of the three converge where the gold is.

9-Fight Club - Fight Club - 8.8 - (1999)

The first rule of fight club is that you don't talk about fight club. The second rule of fight club is not to talk about the club… The main character of the movie, Jack, an insurance inspector who suffers from the turbulence of his ordinary life, joins the therapy groups that provide moral support to cancer patients in order to overcome their insomnia and add meaning to his life. There, she forms an awkward relationship with a girl named Marla Singer. On a business trip, he meets eccentric character named Tyler Durden. Durden is like the man Jack wanted to be but couldn't be. The fight club, which started as an underground activity with Tyler's initiatives, will open new doors to Jack in his life… And of course, Marla will inevitably pass through these doors… But… Who is Tyler Durden really?

10-The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - 8,8 - (2001)

An epic narrative of the struggle between good and evil, the film depicts the epic adventure of Frodo Baggins, a peaceful Hobbit forced to take on enormous responsibility. Frodo, who has been given the One Ring with many powers, must reach the land of Mordor through Middle-earth and destroy the Ring in the flames of Mount Doom, where it was made. The One Ring has remained lost for centuries and embodies the "cruelty, evil intentions, and desire to rule all life" of Sauron, the Lord of Darkness. During his journey, Frodo is accompanied by the 'Fellowship of the Ring' of nine members: a good wizard and Frodo's mind. his mentor Boz Gandalf (Ian McKellen), Aragorn, future king of Gondor and a noble warrior Aragorn (also known as Strider - Viggo Mortensen), one of Gondor's fiery soldiers Boromir (Sean Bean), an ax-wielding dwarf Gimli ( John Rhys-Davies), master archer Legolas (Orlando Bloom), and Hobbits Samwise Gamgee (Sean Astin), Peregrin Took (Billy Boyd) and Meriadoc Brandybuck (Dominic Monaghan).



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